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Table 4 Characteristics of studies that evaluated quinine loading dose (Systematic review 1)

From: Treatment of African children with severe malaria - towards evidence-informed clinical practice using GRADE


Test quinine sulphate dose (IV)

Comparator quinine sulphate dose (IV)


Age range


Loading dose

Maintenance dose

Uniform dose

Assimadi 2002* (N = 72)

8 months to 15 years


21 mg/kg

10.5 mg/kg every 12 hours

15.9 mg/kg every 12 hours

Fargier 1991* (N = 20)

15 years and above


19 mg/kg

9.7 mg/kg every 8 hours

9.7 mg/kg every 8 hours

Pasvol 1991# (N = 59)

up to 12 years


20 mg/kg

10 mg/kg every 12 hours

5 to 10 mg/kg every 12 hours

Tombe 1992 (N = 33)

14 years and above


20 mg/kg

10 mg/kg every 8 hours

10 mg/kg every 8 hours

  1. *Reported quinine doses converted from quinine base to quinine salt using salt conversion factor of 1.21
  2. #N = 20 patients who received IM quinine were excluded from this analysis
  3. Adapted from Lesi et al 2004 Cochrane systematic review [9]