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Figure 1 | Malaria Journal

Figure 1

From: Reduction in host-finding behaviour in fungus-infected mosquitoes is correlated with reduction in olfactory receptor neuron responsiveness

Figure 1

The responses of An. stephensi female mosquitoes to a feeding-related heat-plus-odour stimulus. Behaviour was assessed each day following exposure to B. bassiana or M. acridum fungal spores. "Controls" received no spores. A) Mosquitoes from Trial 1 in which individuals were drawn to assess EAG olfactory responses from antennae. B) Mosquitoes from Trial 2, drawn to assess olfactory EPG responses from palps. Median day of mortality for the B. bassiana groups was Day 6, and so few survivors were available for the behavioural assay after Day 7, in contrast to the M. acridum and Control groups that had low mortality (see Results text). Responsiveness of M. acridum-exposed mosquitoes was assayed every second day. Brackets around the means denote ± 1 SEM.

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