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Figure 6 | Malaria Journal

Figure 6

From: Reduction in host-finding behaviour in fungus-infected mosquitoes is correlated with reduction in olfactory receptor neuron responsiveness

Figure 6

Single cell action potential frequencies from ORNs in the capitate peg sensillum of female An. stephensi maxillary palps. A) Response of the small spiking octenol-tuned ORN to 1-octen-3-ol (10 μg); B) response of the larger spiking CO2-tuned ORN to CO2 ; C) response of the small-spiking octenol-tuned ORN to a blend of 1-octen-3-ol (10 μg) and CO2 ; D) response of the large-spiking CO2-tuned ORN to a blend of 1-octen-3-ol (10 μg) and CO2. Spike frequency was assessed during 0.5 s post-stimulus delivery and background spike frequency during the pre-stimulus period was subtracted from the post-stimulus frequency (see Methods text). The bars on the means represent standard errors. In nearly all cases there were n = 6 replicates per odorant per day. Treatments within each of these groups having no letters in common are significantly different at α = 0.05 (Tukey-Kramer adjustment).

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