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Table 2 List and characteristics of the reporting countries participating to the WHO-UMC programme in 2008 (in brackets: year of entry in the WHO-UMC programme)

From: Assessment of global reporting of adverse drug reactions for anti-malarials, including artemisinin-based combination therapy, to the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring

Malaria control phase[1]/Income[21]

Low income

Middle income

High income


Priority 1:

Priority 2:


Ghana (2001)

Brazil (2001)


Mozambique (2005)

China (1998)


Tanzania (1993)

Colombia (2004)


Vietnam (1999)

Costa Rica (1991)


Zimbabwe (1998)

India (1998)


Indonesia (1990)


& 5 countries participating to the UMC programme did not submit any report.

Nigeria (2004)


Peru (2002)


Philippines (1995)


South Africa (1992)


Suriname (2007)


Thailand (1984)


Venezuela (1995)


& 3 countries participating to the UMC programme did not submit any report



2 countries participating to the UMC programme did not submit any report.

Priority 2:

1 country participating to the UMC programme did not submit any report.


Argentina (1994)


Iran (1998)


Malaysia (1990)


Mexico (1999)


Turkey (1998)


& 1 country participating to the UMC programme did not submit any report.


Prevention of reintroduction/Malaria free


Priority 3:

Priority 3:


Bulgaria (1975)

Australia (1968)


Chile (1996)

Austria (1991)


Cuba (1994)

Belgium (1977)


Lithuania (2005)

Canada (1968)


Macedonia (2000)

Croatia 1992)


Morocco (1992)

Cyprus (2001)


Poland (1972)

Czech Republic (1992)


Romania (1976)

Denmark (1971)


Tunisia (1993)

Finland (1974)


Uruguay (2001)

France (1976)


Former SFR Yugoslavia

Germany (1968)


Greece (1990)


& 11 countries participating to the UMC programme did not submit any report.

Hungary (1990)


Iceland (1990)


Ireland (1968)


Israel (1973)


Italy (1975)


Japan (1972)


Netherlands (1968)


New Zealand (1968)


Norway (1971)


Oman (1995)


Portugal (1993)


Singapore (1993)


Slovakia (1993)


Spain (1984)


Sweden (1968)


Switzerland (1991)


United Kingdom (1968)


United States (1968)


& 5 countries participating to the UMC programme did not submit any report.