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Table 2 Mean (CV%) PK parameters of dihydroartemisinin (DHA), an active metabolite of artesunate (AS), by non-compartment analysis (NCA) following multiple intravenous administrations of AS at dose 2, 4, and 8 mg/kg daily for 3 days with a short-term infusion (2 min) in healthy volunteers* (n = 6 per group)

From: Pharmacokinetic profiles of artesunate following multiple intravenous doses of 2, 4, and 8 mg/kg in healthy volunteers: Phase 1b study

Date of dose

PK Parameters

2 mg/kg (n = 6)

4 mg/kg (n = 6)

8 mg/kg (n = 6)

Day 1

Cmax (ng/ml)

1735 (31)

3015 (29)

6056 (40)


Tmax (hr)

0.29 (45)

0.25 (55)

0.25 (59)


AUCinf (ng·h/ml)

2121 (18)

4391 (22)

9697 (37)


t1/2 elimination (h)

1.19 (16)

1.74 (59)

1.42 (21)


CL/F (ml/min/kg)

16.18 (19)

15.92 (26)

15.51 (37)


Vss/F (ml/kg)

1634 (14)

2377 (62)

1870 (39)


MRT (h)

1.41 (12)

1.91 (22)

1.81 (16)

Day 2

Cmax (ng/ml)

1710 (41)

2923 (35)

5943 (35)


Tmax (hr)

0.20 (63)

0.25 (55)

0.22 (69)


AUCinf (ng·h/ml)

2012 (27)

3740 (28)

8732 (35)


t1/2 elimination (h)

1.59 (55)

1.42 (22)

1.91 (60)


CL/F (ml/min/kg)

17.55 (24)

19.37 (35)

16.96 (35)


Vss/F (ml/kg)

2224 (31)

2249 (21)

2525 (35)


MRT (h)

1.53 (24)

1.65 (20)

2.09 (36)

Day 3

Cmax (ng/ml)

2358 (26)

3018 (25)

5762 (59)


Tmax (hr)

0.16 (63)

0.29 (45)

0.29 (45)


AUCinf (ng·h/ml)

2385 (24)

3960 (19)

9205 (33)


t1/2 elimination (h)

1.31 (16)

1.24 (20)

1.34 (12)


CL/F (ml/min/kg)

14.63 (22)

17.49 (23)

15.60 (27)


Vss/F (ml/kg)

1691 (33)

1895 (34)

1776 (25)


MRT (h)

1.39 (6)

1.57 (16)

1.78 (11)


Accumulation Index(AUCD3/D1)

1.14 (21)

0.93 (24)

0.98 (15)


P value (T-Test, AUCD3:D1)





Total AUCD1-D3

6520 (18)

12092 (20)

27635 (34)



1.46 (23)

1.15 (28)

1.65 (39)


Ratio of Cmax AS/Cmax DHA

3.08 (45)

3.71 (47)

3.78 (49)

  1. Data are presented as arithmetic mean (CV%); NCA = non-compartment analysis (WinNonlin 5.2 Version with non-compartment model 202, IV-infusion); CA = compartment analysis (WinNonlin 5.2 Version with compartment model 10, IV-infusion); MRT = mean residence time.