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Figure 3 | Malaria Journal

Figure 3

From: Simultaneous determination of phagocytosis of Plasmodium falciparum-parasitized and non-parasitized red blood cells by flow cytometry

Figure 3

Phagocytosis by THP-1 cells of stage-separated np- and p-RBCs single-labelled with CF-SE. (A) Fluorescence vs side scatter density plots showing THP-1 cells fed with of serum-opsonized np-RBCs (left panel), ring-pRBCs (middle panel) and troph-pRBCs (right panel). Data are percentages of phagocytically active THP-1 cells above the fluorescence threshold set in each experiment. One representative experiment out of five with similar results. (B) Phagocytosis by THP-1 cells of CFDA-SE-labelled np-, ring- and troph-pRBCs. Data are numbers of RBCs ingested per THP-1 cell. Mean values ± SD (N = 5). Phagocytosis of troph-pRBCs vs np-RBCs and vs ring-pRBCs, and phagocytosis of ring- vs np-RBCs was significantly higher with P <0.001*, and P <0.02**, respectively. For details, see Methods.

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