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Table 1 Matrix of factors reported by papers to attract care seekers to different provider types: Cost of services

From: Improving access to health care for malaria in Africa: a review of literature on what attracts patients

Provider type

Community health workers

(n = 4)

Drug shop/pharmacy

(n = 19)

Traditional healer

(n = 4)

Private health centre/facility

(n = 3)

Public health centre/facility

(n = 10)


(n = 3)

Provider type not specified

(n = 13)

Attracting factor


Cost of services at the provider (including consultation, treatment, supplies)

(n = 44)


Ethiopia[10], Uganda[11](traditional birth attendants)


Kenya[14], Tanzania[15], Uganda [16–18] Nigeria [19], [20] Ghana [21], Ethiopia [22], Tanzania[23], Malawi[24], Nigeria [25, 26]

'Cheap' Burkina Faso[33]

'Cheap' Uganda [16]

Free services

Malawi [36]South Africa [37] Kenya [38], Tanzania [31]

Ethiopia [39]

'Free services' Kenya[35]

'Free or cheap drugs' Uganda [45, 46] Tanzania [47]


'No charge' Uganda [12, 13]

'Affordable' drug vendors

Nigeria[27, 28]Ghana[29]

'For those who find it difficult to pay'

Tanzania [23], Uganda[32]

'Reduced cost' Kenya[35]

'Free if unable to pay' Tanzania[34]

'Low cost' Uganda[41]

'Inexpensive services'

Nigeria [48] Ghana [21], Nigeria[20], Kenya[14], [38, 49, 50], Mozambique[51]Ethiopia [52]


'Charge less than others' Kenya [30]

'Flexible in payment' Tanzania[34]

'Can get treatment on credit' Uganda [16], Nigeria [28]

'Free if Under 5yr olds' Gambia[40]

'Economical for finding out the cause of an illness' Tanzania[44]




'Can get treatment on credit' Uganda [16], Tanzania [31], Nigeria [27, 19, 26]


'Pay according to the treatment you get' Kenya[35]

'Low cost' Mozambique [37]Uganda[41], Sudan[42]


'Flexibility in mode of payment'



'Option of bargaining' Nigeria[20]


'Prices are negotiable' Kenya[35]

'Can get treatment on credit' Tanzania [31]


'Give medicine according to the money you can afford' Uganda[32]


'Covered by insurance' Ghana [43]

  1. Note: Papers providing a rich description of attracting factors are marked in bold; findings from methods involving open-ended questions are underlined.