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Table 1 WHO framework for health systems strengthening

From: Why are IPTp coverage targets so elusive in sub-Saharan Africa? A systematic review of health system barriers

Six building blocks for health systems strengthening

Expected outcome for IPTp implementation

Leadership and governance

Strong political commitment backing malaria efforts, updated national policy, leadership and stewardship from national authority to lead the strategic planning process and to coordinate and align partners, financing framework

Sustainable financing and social protection

Timely availability of financial resources to implement the strategic plan from domestic and external sources to ensure that all population at risk are covered by the required interventions without bearing undue personal cost

Health workforce

Sufficient and well trained fairly distributed and productive staff to deliver interventions with highest possible quality

IPTp dugs, technology, infrastructure and logistics

Adequate procurement and supply management to ensure uninterrupted supply of cost effective medicines, commodities and tools for malaria prevention, diagnosis and treatment which are accessible to all populations at risk

Service delivery

Delivery of comprehensive package of cost effective and quality malaria interventions to those that need them, when and where they need them through health facilities and community based structures

Health information systems

Timely production, analysis, dissemination and use of reliable information. It includes confirmed malaria cases and deaths surveillance, information technology and mapping, logistic monitoring and evaluation

  1. Source: WHO, 2010.