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Figure 3 | Malaria Journal

Figure 3

From: Evaluation of parasite subpopulations and genetic diversity of the msp1, msp2 and glurp genes during and following artesunate monotherapy treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Western Cambodia

Figure 3

Parasite genotype determined daily in individual patients with malaria recurrence (Group C). Allele typing displaying size variation of 18 s alleles for msp1, msp2 and glurp in P. falciparum parasites isolated from nine patients showing the patterns of alleles present during seven days of AS monotherapy and on the day of falciparum malaria recurrence. Key: Bp = base pairs; PCT100 = duration of parasite clearance by microscopy; bands = separate clones for the same allele; dayR = day of malaria recurrence. Dashed lines represent asexual parasitaemia determined by microscopy. (A) Recrudescence cases. Case 66 received only three days of initial AS treatment due to development of neutropenia and completed anti-malarial therapy with an alternative short-acting drug. All remaining cases completed seven days of AS monotherapy. Gametocytes were seen by microscopy for cases 33 (Day 0-21), 80 (Days 35 and 42), and 147 (Days 21 and 42). Case 88 had two shared alleles on Df plus additional msp1 and msp2 loci. Case 140 had one new allele of msp2 detected on Days 3 and 5 but not on Day 0 or Df. One shared msp1 allele detected at Df plus 1 new allele of glurp. (B) New infection. Case 112 new alleles of msp1, msp2 and glurp detected on Df in addition to Plasmodium vivax.

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