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Table 4 Care and repair recommendations (based upon barriers and motivators identified by respondents and research findings)

From: “It is about how the net looks”: a qualitative study of perceptions and practices related to mosquito net care and repair in two districts in eastern Uganda

Care behaviour


Tying up a net or storing it when not in use

• Promote storing or tying up as an easy daily routine done by responsible, caring individuals that takes little to no time

• Involve children and other household members

Washing nets

• Emphasize proper washing practices and frequency – wash net 3–4 times a year in a basin or bucket with water and mild soap, not detergent or bleach

• Position nets as special, not to be treated like clothes, to be washed infrequently to protect the “medicine”

• Keep nets tied up and/or stored when not in use to prevent dirt

• Consider procuring coloured nets since they are less likely to show dirt

• Manufacturers develop nets with insecticides that can stand a greater number of washes

• Conduct trials of improved practices to explore how households can make washing less damaging and frequent

Repair behaviour


Repair (sewing, patching, knotting)

• Promote benefits of repair: malaria prevention purposes; saving money on purchasing a new net and on treatment for malaria

• Emphasize the ease and short time required to repair small holes

• Emphasize checking nets for holes routinely and repairing small holes immediately

• Raise perceived dangers of delaying net repair: risk of malaria, financial costs of nets and treatment

• Position repair as an intelligent and efficient use of resources

• Position those who repair as responsible people who care for their family’s well-being and for having an attractive net and a well-kept home

• Promote people who repair as people who are worthy of being appreciated and recognized

• Create a norm of repairing by making it public (e.g., net repair as part of school homework)