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Table 3 Mothers' reports of danger signs in infants, and anaemia development, as confirmed by Hb testing (within 6 weeks).

From: Early home-based recognition of anaemia via general danger signs, in young children, in a malaria endemic community in north-east Tanzania

Mothers' report on danger signs, in English translation, during14 months

Total no. of infants with symptom/sign and Hb testing +/- 6 weeks, a

No. of infants with moderate-severe anaemia, i.e. Hb< 7 g/dl, (% of a)

Weak body, 29*


11* (58)

Breastfeeding failure, too weak to sit/be carried, sleep all time, prostration/lethargy 25*


14* (82)

Convulsions, 19*


6* (75)

Paleness, 21*


10* (71)

None, other 21*


6* (15)

Total 63


21 (33)

  1. *In most instances, more than one symptom or sign occurred simultaneously