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Table 3 Contraindication (and complicating drugs) to halofantrine in 5 children with fatal outcome of cardiac origin presumably related to halofantrine

From: Fatal cardiotoxicity related to halofantrine: a review based on a worldwide safety data base

patient #3 (13 y. old)

known history of cardiomyopathy (treated by furosemide)

patient #10 (2 y. old)

severe anaemia, dehydration (+ amodiaquine prior to halofantrine)

patient #15 (11 y. old)

known history of cardiopathy with cardiac arrhythmia (+chloroquine and amodiaquine prior to halofantrine)

patient #21 (8 y. old)

severe/cerebral malaria + bradycardia (+ potassium injection)

patient #32 (12 y. old)

HF overdosing (45 mg/kg) (+ concomitant norfloxacine + possible intake of amodiaquine)