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Table 1 Colombia's Institutional framework of Malaria Control Programmes: 1960–2006

From: The role of ENSO in understanding changes in Colombia's annual malaria burden by region, 1960–2006


Health Care System

Malaria type of Intervention

Type of institutional Structure

Main Activities

1960 – 1974

Unstructured Health System

(ISS, Cajanal)


Malaria Eradication Service (MES+)


DDT spraying, active case detection, treatment

1974 – 1993

Structured National Health System


Direct Campaign


Active and passive detection, treatment


General Social Security System on Health

-Public, Private-

Vector Borne Disease Control (VBDC)


For selective and regulated control intervention*

  1. See also Valero, M., 2006, [16] for more detail about the institutional arrangement.
  2. + MES was independent from the Ministry of Health
  3. It used MES' framework, but was operated directly by the Ministry of Health
  4. ± It used a National Framework (VBDC) but it is operated by states and municipalities
  5. * Early diagnosis, bed nets, insecticide spraying and treatment
  6. The first framework prevailed until 1974, the second from 1974 to 1993, and the third from 1994 until present.