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Table 2 Details of the two campaign distributions studied

From: Costs and effects of two public sector delivery channels for long-lasting insecticidal nets in Uganda


GFATM funded campaign

MNM funded campaign


Managed by WHO

Managed by Malaria Consortium

Transport to district

Sub-contracted to transport company

Sub-contracted to transport company


District MoH stores; LLINs delivered to distribution point on day of distribution

Training of trainers

Two day meeting in Kampala

One day meeting in Kampala

District sensitization and training

20 district leaders sensitized through half day sensitization; two trainers per sub-county attended full day for sensitization and training

Sub-county sensitization and training

Two sub-county trainers led the meeting, supervised by Malaria Consortium and central trainers. Parish and village leaders attended half-day sensitization; CMDs attended full day for sensitization and training.


Over two days, two community medicine distributors (CMD) per village visited each household and completed a registration form detailing size of household and details of household members, noting whether these fell into the target groups of pregnant women (PW) and children under five (U5). Sub-county supervisors, central trainers and Malaria Consortium staff supervised the activity.


Registration lists were reviewed at one-day parish meetings. A pre-assigned number of LLINs was made available to each parish. Pre-defined allocation rules were followed at this meeting to determine how these nets would be allocated within the parish based on number of target groups in each household. The three-step allocation rules stated: (1) every household with a PW or U5 to be allocated at least one net; (2) a second LLIN to be allocated to each household with more than one target group; (3) a third LLIN to be allocated to each household with one PW and at least two U5. No more than three LLINs to be assigned to each household. If there are insufficient LLIN to complete the full three-step allocation then age of beneficiaries is used to prioritize which household are allocated under steps 2 and 3.


Distribution points were located at parish level. CMDs from each village presented their allocation lists. Community members arriving to receive LLINs dealt with the CMD from their own village, their name was checked off the allocation list and a signature given. The LLINs was provided without the manufacturers packaging. Distribution took place during one day.

Post distribution follow up

Not conducted

Two CMDs per village were asked to visit around 50% of beneficiary households giving advice on use and hanging. Limited funds were available for this component, supervision was minimal and it was not possible to establish to what extent this activity took place.

IEC approach

• Sensitization of district, parish and village leaders

• Sensitization of district, parish and village leadership


• Health educators and practical demonstrations at distribution points

• Health educators and practical demonstrations at distribution points


• Print materials designed by MoH and provided in English, including:

• Print materials designed and pre-tested for use in other Malaria Consortium activities were used, these included:


   - Posters at distribution points

   - Posters at distribution points


   - Leaflets on LLIN benefits and use distributed by community leaders

   - Leaflets on net benefits and use distributed by community leaders


   - Handout with three key messages on net use, provided with each LLIN

   - Handout with three key messages on net use, provided with each net