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Table 1 Definition of categories

From: Seeking treatment for symptomatic malaria in Papua New Guinea



1. Site

Living in a village which is situated within either the Madang or Maprik region

2. Group

G1 - villages less than half an hour walk

G2 - villages between 1 - 2 hours walk

G3 - villages greater than 3 hours walk.

3. Age

Reported age of individual seeking treatment (as a continuous variable)

4. Access

Participant reports which relate to ability to access a treatment provider

5. Perception

Participant reports which relate to quality of the treatment, both positive and negative

6. Availability of Medicine

Participant reports which relate to availability of medicine

7. Finding a Cure

Participant reports which relate to a need to seek treatment in order to find a cure

8. Focusing on the Illness

Participant reports which focus on the illness rather than identifying a way of treating it

9. Minutes

Minutes taken to travel to a treatment as reported by the participant

10. Other

A small number of participant reports which primarily related to seeking a particular treatment "because they usually do" or "because they were referred there" were grouped under this category