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Table 2 Molecular karyotyping discrepancies in relation to banding patterns on 2R in Mali

From: Breakpoint structure of the Anopheles gambiae 2Rb chromosomal inversion

Source of anomalies based on 2Rb karyotype

Complete 2R karyotype

Exp. molecular karyotype

Obs. molecular karyotype

2R + b / + b (N = 17)

2R j+ b cu / j+ b cu (N = 13)

2R + b

2R b


2R+j+bcu/+j+bcu (N = 3)




2R + j + b cu / + j + b + c + u (N = 1)

2R + b

2R b

2R+b/b (N = 6)

2Rj+bcu/jbcu (N = 4)




2R + j b+ c + u / + j + b cu (N = 2)

2R + b / b

2R b