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Table 1 Demographic data at enrollment for the 15 healthy male Vietnamese subjects

From: Population pharmacokinetic properties of artemisinin in healthy male Vietnamese volunteers


Mean (SD)

Median [range]

Age (years)

28.1 (8.5)

23 [19–41]

Weight (kg)

59.0 (9.3)

58 [43–80]

Height (cm)

166 (6.4)

167 [158–180]

Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

115 (7.4)

110 [100–130]

Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)

64.0 (6.3)

60 [60–80]

Heart rate (beats/min)

80.3 (4.2)

80 [70–86]

  1. SD standard deviation