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Table 8 Proportion of nets meeting optimal (KD60 ≥95 % or mortality ≥80 %) and minimal WHO criteria (KD60 ≥75 % or mortality ≥50 %)

From: A longitudinal study of the durability of long-lasting insecticidal nets in Zambia

Optimal effectiveness (n) %, 95 % CI


PermaNet® (n) %, 95 % CI

Olyset® (n) %, 95 % CI

All nets (n) %, 95 % CI

LLIN age

 12 months

(14) 77.8, 58.6–96.7

(6) 33.3, 11.6–55.1

(20) 55.6, 39.3–71.8

 24 months

(7) 38.9, 16.4–61.4

(6) 30.0, 9.9–50.1

(13) 34.2, 19.1–51.4

Minimal effectiveness

 12 months

(18) 100.0, 100.0–100.0

(14) 77.8, 58.6–97.0

(32) 88.9, 78.6–96.9

 24 months

(11) 61.1, 38.6–83.6

(14) 70.0, 49.9–88.1

(25) 65.8, 50.7–80.9*

  1. * All nets, 12 versus 24 months, p < 0.01
  2. PermaNet versus Olyset, p < 0.01