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Table 2 Knowledge and practices regarding malaria chemoprophylaxis and surveillance in the sample (n–559)

From: The risk of imported malaria in security forces personnel returning from overseas missions in the context of prevention of re-introduction of malaria to Sri Lanka

Knowledge and practices

Number (%)

Compliance with chemoprophylaxis

Regular (as prescribed)

440 (78.7)


110 (19.7)

Not taken

5 (0.9)

Medicines were not provided

4 (0.7)

Source of medicines

Doctors of the armed forces

502 (90.4)

Anti Malaria Campaign

7 (1.3)

Doctors of United Nations

5 (0.9)

Nursing officers in the field

8 (1.4)

Pharmacists in the field

6 (1.1)


27 (4.8)

Usage pattern of chemoprophylaxis

First dose taken before departure

520 (94.5)

Change of chemoprophylaxis

6 (1.1)

Continuation of medication following return

31 (5.5)

Usage of other methods to avoid malaria


37 (6.6)

Mosquito nets

492 (94.2)

Mosquito repellents and coils

193 (36.9)

Long sleeved cloths

120 (22.9)

Destroy breeding places of mosquitoes

266 (50.9)