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Table 2 Knowledge and prevention practices on malaria in pregnancy

From: Perceptions and practices for preventing malaria in pregnancy in a peri-urban setting in south-western Uganda

Knowledge and prevention practices

Frequency (%)

N = 800

Knowledge on dangerous diseases in pregnancy


769 (96.1 %)


469 (58.6 %)


132 (16.5 %)

 High blood pressure

405 (50.6 %)


135 (16.9 %)

Knowledge on the negative effects of malaria in pregnancy


482 (60.3 %)


359 (44.9 %)

 Still births

119 (14.9 %)

 Poor health (general weakness)

570 (71.3 %)

Antenatal care attendance

 Attended at least once in the last pregnancy

538 (72.5 %)

 Attended the recommended 4 visits

102 (19.0 %)

 Attended ANC at public facility

451 (83.8 %)

 Attended ANC at private facility

87 (16.2 %)

Postnatal care attendance

 Attended after six weeks of delivery

473 (59.1 %)


 Slept under and ITN a night before the interview

628 (78.5 %)

Taken SP for malaria prevention

 Taken SP

326 (40.8 %)

 Taken the two recommended doses of SP

159 (48.8 %)

 Taken three doses of SP

53 (16.3 %)

 Taken four doses of SP

15 (4.6 %)