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Table 3 Perceived risks of medication

From: ‘Some anti-malarials are too strong for your body, they will harm you.’ Socio-cultural factors influencing pregnant women’s adherence to anti-malarial treatment in rural Gambia



I: When you were taking the anti-malarial, were you fearful that the medication could be harmful to the unborn child?

R: This is possible, if you take some medications and they attack you, and are too strong for your body, you do think to yourself that if I continue taking this medication something unfortunate could happen to me. So it will make you to stop the medication

Adult woman, farmer, Serahuli, Demba Kunda Koto

I: What other reasons can make a pregnant woman to stop taking her medication?

R: For some people, their unborn babies do not like such medication; therefore they have to stop taking the medication

Adult woman, farmer, Serahuli, Demba Kunda Koto

I: Do pregnant women normally complain that medication can be harmful to the unborn child?

R: They sometimes complain that the medication can be strong and make the baby to get big. Therefore the delivery process will become harder

Adult man, VHW, Serahuli