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Table 1 Programme outcomes and performance objectives

From: Using an intervention mapping approach for planning, implementing and assessing a community-led project towards malaria elimination in the Eastern Province of Rwanda

Behavioural and environmental outcomes

Performance objectives

Increased correct and consistent use of LLINs

To own LLINs

To use LLINs every night

Targeted actions to prevent/eliminate bedbugs infestation

IRS acceptance at household level

To allow IRS at household level

To allow IRS in master room

To allow IRS in storage rooms

Prevention of peridomestic mosquito breeding

To cover households water collection instruments

To clear breeding sites surrounding homesteads

Prompt care-seeking

To have a health insurance

To learn and identify malaria symptoms to enable early recognition of malaria fever

To practice early care-seeking (within 24 h)

To create awareness on the importance of diagnostic testing before treatment

To create awareness on the importance of treatment adherence (taking and completing malaria medication as instructed by providers)

Mosquito larval source control in local rice paddies/marshlands

To select the implementation team

To ensure proper training before implementation

To adhere to an implementation plan