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Table 3 Potential primary outcome measures for clinical trials of an ivermectin-based vector control tool

From: Ivermectin to reduce malaria transmission II. Considerations regarding clinical development pathway


Outcome measure





In Humans

Clinical incidence

Of primary importance for the target population

Clinical case definition and laboratory confirmation

Unequivocal and tangible reflection of benefit for the population

The earliest measurable clinical end-point reflecting transmission reduction

Requires robust baseline data

Must reflect seasonal variations

Parasite prevalence

Directly related to the EIR and VC

Consensus needed

Options include: microscopy





LAMP [76]

Robust measure

Used across many settings

Tangible reflection of benefit at population level

Laborious. Requires robust baseline data

Must reflect seasonal variations

Some methods are not suitable for the field. Method must be tailored according to the local prevalence


A measure of infectiousness to mosquitoes (k) [63]

Consensus needed

Options include: RT-PCR (RNA vs DNA)



Robust measure of transmission

Must collect baseline data

May not reflect population benefit

May not reflect the independent effect of ivermectin

Variations in population level serology [77]

Indirect measure of transmission

Consensus needed on mosquito and parasite antigens

Direct reflection of exposure to malaria vectors and parasites

Most useful in very low-transmission settings

Useful without baseline data

May not reflect clinical benefit

Must reflect seasonal variations

Molecular force of infection [78]

Indirect measure of transmission


Reliable and easier to determine than FOI

May not reflect clinical benefit


Inter-cluster variations


Entomological inoculation rate [66]

A direct measure of transmission intensity. Likely to reflect the additional effect of ivermectin

Human landing catches vs light traps for biting rate

Dissection, ELISA or PCR for sporozoite rate

Most useful in high transmission settings

Requires extensive knowledge of the local vectors. Very laborious. Minimum EIR of 5-10 needed for reliability [64]

Ethics of human landing catches

Must avoid contamination from control sites

Vectorial capacity

Would additionally reflect the daily survival of vectors, a more direct effect of ivermectin

As above plus determination of the daily survival and assessment of the extrinsic incubation period

The most direct assessment of transmission

Requires extensive knowledge of the local vectors. Very laborious. Minimum EIR of 5-10 needed for reliability [64]

Ethics of human landing catches

Must avoid contamination from control sites

  1. EIR entomological inoculation rate, FOI force of infection, LAMP loop-mediated isothermal amplification, PCR polymerase chain reaction, QTNASBA real-time quantitative nucleic acid sequence-based amplification, RDT rapid diagnostic test, RT-PCR real-time PCR