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Table 1 Questionnaire description

From: Socioeconomic and demographic characterization of an endemic malaria region in Brazil by multiple correspondence analysis



(A) Interviewee demographic data





Birth date and age






Birth place


Residence time in the current address

(B) Dwellers demographic data







Relationship with the interviewee


Residence time > 12 months in the address




School’s name and location

(C) Malaria episodes reported by the interviewee

If remembers the 1st malaria


Self-reported malaria in the last 12 months


Inactivity and days lost due to malaria


If needed health care in the last 12 months


Places sought for health care


Hospitalization due to malaria

(D) Interviewee’s last episode of malaria

How he/she discovered he/she had malaria


Date of the last malaria episode (self-report)


If he/she had malaria symptoms


Type of malaria (falc, vivax)


Access and adherence to treatment

(E) Malaria information for each dweller

If they had malaria in the last 12 months (as reported by the interviewee)


Hospitalization to treat malaria

(F) Household goods

Ownership of goods and animals

(G) Occupation and income of the household

Types of occupation of the householders


Number of dwellers contributing for the household income


If the income received is considered sufficient

(H) Characteristics of household

Material used for the wall, roof, ceiling and floor


Presence of crevices in the walls


Number of rooms

(I) Household access

Type of access to the household (river, road, trail)


If household is accessible by vehicle on a rainy day


If access is paved


If you would like the street, road or trail to be paved


If the access to the house floods


If flooding reaches the door of the house


Presence of natural or artificial water bodies in the vicinity of the house and the neighborhood

(J) Water supply

Type of access to water


Source of water used in the kitchen and for drinking


How water is stored


If water is treated before consumption


Frequency at which water is missing at home


Place where the households shower


Place where the households wash dishes and clothes


Place where the households go to tend to their physiological needs

(L) Garbage disposal

How waste is disposed


Frequency of garbage collection by public service, if available

(M) Access to electricity

If there is electricity in the household


If available: its source, installation date, if time-restricted or fails, cost


If not available: source of energy used

(N) Mobility and potential exposure to malaria

Routine activities from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.


Frequency and motivation to go close to water bodies and the forest


Frequency of sleeping in the wild


Frequency, motivation, and length of stay in farms


If needs to travel to receive social benefits, frequency and length of stay


If needs to travel for working, frequency and length of stay


If traveled for any other reason in the last 12 months, frequency and length of stay

(O) Use of bednet and other protections

Ownership of impregnated and standard bednets and quantity


General usage, usage in the last night


Problems with bednet usage


If the households use other methods for mosquito protection


Recommendations or suggestions for improving the health of the family and community