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Table 1 Examples of how spatial overlay of multiple malaria metrics related to different components of malaria risk can inform elimination planning for a given operational unit

From: Mapping multiple components of malaria risk for improved targeting of elimination interventions

Malaria risk component

Proxy mappable metric

Information for decision-making

Example operational implication

Infection incidence

Annual parasite incidence

How much malaria is observed in the area?

Distribution of malaria drug demand; feasibility of implementing case-based surveillance

Local infection incidence

Local case incidence

Is transmission happening in the region?

Need for transmission intensity-reducing measures

Imported infections

Importation rate, human movement rate to endemic locations

Will new infections appear even if the local reservoir is drained?

Sustainability of aggressive reservoir reductions; need for importation-reducing measures

Parasite reservoir

Infection prevalence

Are infections currently available to be transmitted?

Potential for drug-based interventions to reduce transmission intensity by draining the available reservoir

Infection duration

Case treatment rate

How long will infections be available for mosquitoes to transmit?

Need for improved access to case management

Entomological potential

Vectorial capacity

What is the probability that parasites in the human reservoir will be transmitted?

Need for context-appropriate vector control measures

Transmission intensity

Entomological inoculation rate, ratio of local to imported cases

How much transmission is currently occurring?

Impact of currently implemented measures; need to examine specific risk components to identify appropriate additional measures

Transmission potential

Reproductive rates

Will introduced parasites tend to propagate or die away?

Need for reductions in infection duration or entomological potential to create conditions suitable for elimination