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Table 2 Fields of knowledge and linked indicators

From: From global action against malaria to local issues: state of the art and perspectives of web platforms dealing with malaria information

Field of knowledge


Drug resistance

Halotype, mutation type, molecular type resistance, drug type, marker, d28 efficacy

Insecticide resistance

Insecticide class, resistance mechanism


Vector control strategies (larval control, IRS), treatment (ACT, intermittent preventive treatment), personal protection (ITN)


Dvs occurrence, vector occurrence, vector bionomics, reproductive number, temperature suitability, entomological inoculation rate, mosquitoes presence, vectorial capacity, phenotype, vector species


In/out patient, death, population at risk, incidence, prevalence, pf/pv parasite rates, g6pd deficiency, sickle cell, duffy negativity, haemoglobin c, clinical burden, population at risk, endemicity, transmission limit, seasonal climatic suitability for malaria transmission, malaria seasonality, relapse incidence, fever cause

Malaria facing strategies/policies

Free treatment, collaboration public/private sector, mandatory case reporting, new cases/relapse distinction, active/passive surveillance, case detection techniques (microscopy, rapid diagnostic test)


Landcover, district frontiers, administrative boundaries, schools, hospitals, health services


Population statistics


Precipitation, temperature, vegetation, land surface temperature, meteorology/climatology, hydrology


Google news, ProMED Mail, WHO, Baidu News, SOSO Info


Education, urban/rural, wealth index, travel time to cities