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Table 1 Key benefit themes of engaging women in vector control at household, community, and professional levels

From: Increasing women’s engagement in vector control: a report from Accelerate To Equal project workshops




Enhancing women’s knowledge will increase household awareness of vectors and the diseases they carry

As the household caretakers, women will better integrate appropriate vector control into household activities

Women have a greater vested awareness of and interest in family well-being

Engagement in paid vector control activities shifts the household power balance towards equality

Women are more trustworthy and accountable which enhances community buy-in

Women are better communicators which increases visibility and acceptance of proposed programs

Improved solidarity and networking among women strengthens community organizations

Women act as agents of change to prioritize and improve overall community health

More comprehensive representation in programmes and policies leads to diversity of ideas and approaches

Women understand the community and are more likely to administer programmes that are accepted and sustained

When breaking the glass ceiling, women serve as role models for enhanced gender equity