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Table 2 Key barriers to engaging women in vector control at household, community, and professional levels

From: Increasing women’s engagement in vector control: a report from Accelerate To Equal project workshops




Women lack the autonomy to make decisions about allocation of household resources

Self-efficacy in women is low and may impede action. Women have decreased ability to act on economic improvement

Competing household priorities may reduce time available for vector control activities

Lower literacy and numeracy skills may reduce access to information hindering uptake and implementation of vector control

Lack of community acceptance of women’s involvement in vector control

Mobility in community may be limited due to religious and cultural beliefs

Top down patriarchal power structure reduces women’s ability to act as decision-makers

Lack of prioritization to use limited resources on vector control

Community lacks self-efficacy to control vector borne diseases

Lack of available training opportunities for women to acquire necessary vector control skills

Lack of policies to promote and protect women in careers in vector control

Inability to access career opportunities due to lower education, few female role models and lack of awareness of career opportunities

Limited infrastructure designed to accommodate specific needs of women