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Table 2 Search strategy for systematic review

From: Using the human blood index to investigate host biting plasticity: a systematic review and meta-regression of the three major African malaria vectors

Ovid MEDLINE® Database

Human blood index OR HBI OR host preference OR trophic preference OR blood meal preference OR blood host preference OR blood meal OR blood meal analysis OR blood-meal analysis OR blood meal source OR host blood OR host blood meal OR blood meal identification

[multiple posting = MeSH subject heading word, abstract, title, original title, text word (title, abstract), key word heading, name of substance, key word heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, synonym]


Anopheles OR Anopheles arabiensis OR Anopheles gambiae OR Anopheles funestus [multiple posting = MeSH subject heading word, abstract, title, original title, text word (title, abstract), key word heading, name of substance, key word heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, synonym]