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Table 3 Influential factors of the malaria cases at initial diagnosis

From: Management of imported malaria cases and healthcare institutions in central China, 2012–2017: application of decision tree analysis

Influential factors

Initial diagnosis (% or 95% CI)

P value


Correct diagnosis



2 (40)

3 (60)



187 (51.1)

179 (48.9)


Age (years)

38.21 (36.82–39.59)

37.72 (36.25–39.19)


Malaria parasite type of patient infection

 Plasmodium falciparum

163 (51.1)

156 (48.9)


 Plasmodium ovale

16 (47.1)

18 (52.9)


 Plasmodium vivax

5 (38.5)

8 (61.5)


 Plasmodium malariae

5 (100)

0 (0)


Rank of healthcare facilities for the initial diagnosis

 Provincial healthcare institutions

15 (12.5)

105 (87.5)

< 0.001

 Municipal healthcare institutions

29 (39.2)

45 (60.8)


 County healthcare institutions

32 (54.2)

27 (45.8)


 Township health centre

14 (82.4)

3 (17.6)


 Village clinic

45 (97.8)

1 (2.2)


 Private clinic

54 (98.2)

1 (1.8)


Time interval between onset and initial diagnosis

2.01 (1.14–2.88)

4.87 (1.7–8.05)

< 0.001

Days of taking medicine

7.25 (6.83–7.67)

6.22 (5.9–6.55)

< 0.001