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Table 1 Suggested PMNS main patterns

From: Clinical presentation and immunological features of Post-Malaria Neurologic Syndrome: a case report and review of literature

PMNS pattern

Clinical presentation and definition

Delayed cerebellar ataxia (DCA)

An acute onset self-limiting ataxia, without any other neurological symptoms. It was the first type of post-malaria neurological complication to be described

Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP)-like, namely Guillain Barré Syndrome

An acute ascending areflexic weakness, with or without sensory impairment. Cranial nerves might be affected, as well (viz. Miller Fisher Syndrome). In our review AIDP-like forms were defined according to Brighton criteria, as the presence of: a) acute onset of bilateral symmetric flaccid paralysis of the limbs and/or of cranial nerve innervated muscles with or without involvement of autonomic system; b) impaired deep tendon reflexes in affected limbs; c) monophasic pattern; d) absence of an alternative diagnosis

Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)-like syndrome

An autoimmune multifocal demyelinating illness. It can be sometimes associated to autoimmune encephalitis and seizures

“Classical” post-malaria neurological syndrome (PMNS)

A self-limiting encephalopathy whose clinical presentation is not included in the previously described syndromes. Classical PMNS scenario may present both motor, sensorial, and psychiatric symptoms