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Fig. 7 | Malaria Journal

Fig. 7

From: Population genetic analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein in two distinct ecological regions in Ghana

Fig. 7

a Tajima’s D plot in sliding windows of 100 and a step size of 10 of 66 mnoclonal Pfcsp samples (Cape Coast) and 65 monoclonal samples (Navrongo). The region highlighted in grey represents SNPs located in the C-terminal region (221,422–221,583) of Pfcsp. Plots b and c show evidence of signatures of positive directional selection on chromosome 3 using the standardized integrated haplotype score (|iHS|) plotted as -log10 (P value) (for 55 and 50 P. falciparum chromosome 3 monoclonal isolates) in both Cape Coast b and Navrongo c, respectively. IHS was calculated for SNPs with no missing data and a minor allele frequency > 0.05. SNPs on chromosome 3 are identified in red in Cape Coast b and blue in Navrongo c. Horizontal lines indicate the threshold for high-scoring SNPs with a standardized |iHS|> 3. Vertical lines indicate the positions of Pfcsp in both Cape Coast and Navrongo, respectively. Evidence of positive directional selection was observed at Pfcsp loci in Navrongo; however, there was no evidence of selection in the Pfcsp loci from Cape Coast

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