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Table 1 Countries and territories certified malaria free by WHO from 1973 and their prevention of re-establishment (POR) strategies

From: Prevention of re-establishment of malaria: historical perspective and future prospects


WHO certificate of elimination

Techniques implemented within POR programme



Strong case detection programme (PCD/ACD/RACD), Integrated Vector Management (IVM), a strong healthcare system that responds promptly to newly introduced cases, IRS at ports of entry, prophylaxis for travellers, surveillance of incoming passengers, education about malaria and information for medical personnel on malaria case management [4,5,6,7]



Joining Australian Government, State and Territory initiative through Australian Government Arbovirus and Malaria Surveillance Website to assist health authorities in the reduction of malaria by rapid and greater dissemination of national malaria surveillance data, transfer of interpretations of these data and support information between health authorities, aiding early recognition of unusual mosquito and malaria activity provide access for the general public to malaria surveillance information, and increasing public awareness of the potential mosquito-borne disease risks in their region. Pre-arrival assessment, screening and appropriate treatment of all refugees [8, 9]

La Reunion (France)


Permanent, optimized epidemiologic and entomological surveillance and vector control measures, imported and local malaria cases, detection and control of malaria cases; targeted anti-vector activity based on a systematic anti-larval control, eventually completed by the eradication of the adapted adult vectors [10, 11]



Surveillance and control of Anopheles mosquitoes and identification of specific malaria receptive areas, case surveillance and epidemiological investigation, compulsory malaria screening for foreign workers from 1997 as part of the pre-employment medical examinations, early case detection through blood and fever surveys in malaria receptive areas and risk communication to medical practitioners as well as health education for the public [12, 13]

Brunei Darussalam


Vector Control, Entomology and Malaria Vigilant Unit is committed in carrying out activities to prevent the indigenous transmission and re-establishment of malaria into the country, malaria vigilance unit- prevention of reappear or re-establishment of malaria into the free status country, entomology unit-monitors the prevalence, distribution and density of public health important vectors, vector control unit [14]



Immediate notification of all imported cases of malaria, free diagnosis and treatment for patients, including the significant percentage of travellers to the country. Continuous case detection programmes and public awareness campaigns to achieve community cooperation are also important parts of the strategy. The malaria programme was also recommended to be integrated with the health care system (IVM) [55]



National Malaria Control Programme has a considerable inventory of entomological and parasitological information, and several areas of high risk are regularly studied and monitored [15, 16]



Maintenance of epidemiological surveillance of malaria to ensure prompt detection and treatment of cases and timely response to any emergency. Prompt and timely response to changes in the receptivity and vulnerability of the territory of the country [17, 18]



Adaptation of the epidemiological surveillance system to match with POR, establishment of a cross-border cooperation policy, improved preventive and anti-epidemic measures in foci of infection, preventive activities and measures for high-risk groups, dissemination of information on malaria prevention and hygiene to the population, and recruitment and training personnel for malaria prevention [17]



Epidemiological surveillance by the health care providers and the community, prevention through port health and international travel health, effective health care, integrated vector surveillance and control [19]

Sri Lanka


Focused strongly on vector control, educating health personnel and the public on the risk of POR, strong surveillance methods for the treatment of imported cases [55]. After elimination of malaria, active case detection with mobile malaria units and passive case detection is still maintained and vigilantly diagnosing every imported case of malaria, promptly treating the cases, incorporated with radical cure with primaquine [30]



Early diagnosis and notification of all cases of malaria and timely radical treatment, identification of all cases and causes of any re-establishment of malaria transmission, immediate response in case of re-establishment of transmission, continuous training and retraining of health care professionals, increased social mobilization and coordinated intersectoral actions, partnerships with international and donor organizations and cross-border cooperation [17]



Trainings across general health services to maintain vigilance and ongoing engagement with community volunteers, which ensures the prompt detection and treatment of cases. Monitor changes related to the risk of imported malaria by collaborating authorities in the national malaria programme across sectors and ministries [20]



Maintenance of malaria surveillance to detect malaria cases rapidly and take necessary action, monitoring persisting levels of receptivity and vulnerability, early case detection, with special attention to identifying imported cases by vigilant surveillance, a competent general health service and strong support from quality assurance laboratories, and a strong information system, with obligatory notification and reporting of malaria and timely epidemiological investigation of each case and focus [17]



Integration of malaria surveillance into the national surveillance system, which allows suspected malaria cases to be rapidly identified and tested. Integration of malaria prevention and treatment services into a primary health care system that engages a large cadre of paid community health workers in the areas where the risk of re-establishment of malaria is high. By integrating malaria into the system they respond to cholera and dengue outbreaks that will enable quick interruption of transmission of malaria [21]



Identification of malaria cases by trained personnel, vector surveillance, and effective oversight by provincial and national health experts to ensure that any local and imported cases are quickly identified, and that appropriate actions are taken to prevent re-establishment of transmission [22]