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Table 1 Currently recommended indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of IRS programmes

From: ‘We spray and walk away’: wall modifications decrease the impact of indoor residual spray campaigns through reductions in post-spray coverage


IRS indicator


World Health Organization (WHO)

Coverage: ‘the proportion of structures/houses sprayed in relation to those not sprayed (proportion of structures/houses sprayed in relation to those targeted for spraying)’. This is done at the district, region, country, province, and global scale

Residual efficacy: ‘the quality of IRS, impact, insecticide dosage and longevity on treated surfaces is routinely measured by WHO cone bioassay using susceptible strains maintained at a central laboratory’

Social performance: ‘the perception of the community towards IRS can be assessed through community knowledge, attitude, behavior and practice (KABP) surveys’. Such surveys are not required to run an IRS program but are reserved for situations where community-related IRS problem may arise


Roll Back Malaria (RBM)

Population coverage: ‘Proportion of households sprayed by IRS in the last 12 months’



Households covered by vector control: ‘Proportion of households sprayed by IRS in the last 12 months’.

Universal coverage of vector control: ‘Proportion of households sprayed by IRS within the last 12 months’
