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Table 1 Malaria cost components

From: Investment case for malaria elimination in South Africa: a financing model for resource mobilization to accelerate regional malaria elimination

Direct cost to the health system

Direct cost to individual households

Indirect cost to society

1. Cost of malaria diagnosis, testing and treatment for both outpatients and inpatients

2. Cost of vector control and other malaria control sensitization campaigns

3. Cost of intermittent malaria prevention in pregnant women & seasonal malaria chemotherapy in children

4. Cost of conducting malaria surveillance

5. Cost of malaria programme planning activities

1. Out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure incurred due to malaria

 a. Hospital-based costs such as consultation, laboratory tests, drugs, and admission costs

b. Non-hospital costs such as transport, food, and lodging

c. OOP expenditure for malaria prevention activities

1. Cost due to loss of life due to malaria mortality

2. Cost due to loss of productivity due to malaria morbidity

3. Loss of income due to taking care of malaria patients