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Table 3 Remaining questions

From: Opening the policy blackbox: unravelling the process for changing national diagnostic and treatment guidelines for vivax malaria in seven countries

How do actual policy-change experiences and timelines compare to pathways identified?

Are there influencing bodies or partners not represented in formal pathways?

In cases where NMPs are involved in advocating for streamlined regulatory review of new malaria medicines or diagnostics, what are the specific approaches that have proven effective?

How do the pathways for policy and regulatory approvals intersect in different country contexts?

How long does each step of the policy-making process require on average?

Do the described decision-making pathways lead to good policy?

How do malaria policy pathways compare to pathways for other health programmes in the same countries? Are there opportunities to align malaria with national policy pathways for greater alignment with local and global good practices?

What is the gender and social inclusion breakdown of decision-making bodies involved in the policy pathway in each country?