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Fig. 7 | Malaria Journal

Fig. 7

From: Longitudinal analysis of FcRL5 expression and clonal relationships among classical and atypical memory B cells following malaria

Fig. 7

The precursors of atypical MBCs. A Schematic overview of the analysis and data presented in this figure. The clonal connection score for the malaria-free period (value 1) was subtracted from the clonal connection score for the period with malaria (value 2) to obtain a value that represents the net differentiation of cell type X into atypical MBCs induced by malaria. B The difference in clonal connections for atypical MBCs with each B cell subset mentioned on the X-axis between the period with malaria and the malaria-free period is shown as a dot for each of the two children. The red bar represents the median value. NBCs naïve B cells, cMBCs classical memory B cells, atMBCs atypical memory B cells

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