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Table 1 Milestones and targets for the Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016–2030 with the elimination target highlighted

From: Supporting countries to achieve their malaria elimination goals: the WHO E-2020 initiative







Reduce malaria mortality rates globally compared with 2015

At least 40%

At least 75%

At least 90%

Reduce malaria case incidence globally compared with 2015

At least 40%

At least 75%

At least 90%

Eliminate malaria from countries in which malaria was transmitted in 2015a

At least 10 countries

At least 20 countries

At least 35 countries

Prevent re-establishment of malaria in all countries that are malaria-free

Re-establishment prevented

Re-establishment prevented

Re-establishment prevented

  1. aElimination is considered achieved when more than 3 years (i.e., 36 months) have passed with zero indigenous malaria cases reported. Countries are counted as malaria-endemic until they have completed 3 years without indigenous malaria cases. For a country to be included in the achievement of the elimination milestone, it must have interrupted transmission (achieved at least 1 year of zero indigenous cases) and maintained that status through the milestone year. Countries are not officially considered malaria-free until they receive WHO certification