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Table 1 Demographic and health characteristics of the population at recruitment

From: Incidence of clinical malaria, acute respiratory illness, and diarrhoea in children in southern Malawi: a prospective cohort study

Characteristic at recruitment

Children (n = 274)

Age in months (Median, IQR)

25 (16.0–35.0)

Gender: Female (%)

144 (52.6%)

Age categories in months

 6.0–11.9 months, n (%)

50 (18.2%)

 12.0–23.9 months, n (%)

85 (31.0%)

 24.0–48.0 months, n (%)

139 (50.7%)

Recruitment by focal area

 Focal Area A, n (%)

105 (38.3%)

 Focal Area B, n (%)

78 (28.5%)

 Focal Area C, n (%)

91 (33.2%)

Number of children by intervention arm

 Control, n (%)

82 (29.9%)

 HI, n (%)

61 (22.3%)

 LSM, n (%)

82 (29.9%)

 HI and LSM, n (%)

49 (17.9%)

Anthropometry at recruitment

 HAZ < − 2 SD, n (%)

91 (33.5%)

 WAZ < − 2 SD, n (%)

49 (18.0%)

 WHZ < − 2 SD, n (%)

39 (14.3%)

 RDT – positive at recruitment: n (%)

12 (4.4%)

 Haemoglobin level in g/dl: mean SD

11.0 g/dl, 1.1

 Anaemia classification, n (%)


  Normal Hb ≥ 11.0 g/dl

83 (47.7%)

  Mild Hb 10–10.9 g/dl

66 (37.9%)

  Moderate Hb 7.0–9.9 g/dl

24 (13.8%)

  Severe Hb < 7.0 g/dl

1 (0.6%)

Socioeconomic status

 Wealth Scorea: mean, SD

− 0.1, ± 2.0

 Households owning ITN for sleeping

91 (58.7%)

 Households with at least two ITNs (%)

36 (48.9%)

 Presence of open eaves on house (%)

45 (29.0%)

  1. IQR: Interquartile range; Hb: Haemoglobin; SD: Standard deviation; HAZ: Height for age z-score; WAZ: Weight for age z-score; WHZ: Weight for height z-score; HI: House improvement; LSM: Larval source management
  2. aA composite measure of a household's cumulative living standard. Each household assigned a standardized score for each asset (bicycle, radio, TV, domestic animals)