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Fig. 1 | Malaria Journal

Fig. 1

From: Modelling new insecticide-treated bed nets for malaria-vector control: how to strategically manage resistance?

Fig. 1

Bar chart of the output of the simulation of 1 million randomly sampled parameter combinations by data type. Simulations are divided between threshold measures (A–C), mode of inheritance (N = nuclear and M = mitochondrial, giving NN, MN and MM combinations) and strategy (Seq = sequences, lower benchmark; Rot = rotations; Mos = mosaics, Mix = mixtures; Max = maximum, upper benchmark). Simulation runs are classified as ‘Successful Measurement’ meaning that the threshold statistic was exceeded to give a time to the threshold measurement, ‘Toward Threshold’ meaning that the resistance allele or population size was approaching the threshold but too slowly to give a measurement, ‘Away from Threshold’ meaning that resistance allele or population size was decreasing over time (or, for population size, never decreases below 80% to be able to give a measurement) and ‘Extinction’ meaning that the female population size drops below 1 (and the simulation terminates). For B and the second-to-break measure, the bar chart appears to show no ‘Away from Threshold’ data types for the sequences strategy, but this is due to a low number of simulated runs (with raw numbers given in the NB box), which reflects that the insecticide that is first-to-break has a resistance allele that is placed first in the sequence order

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