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Table 3 Description of dependent, independent, effect modification, and control variables used in effect modification analysis

From: Do socio-demographic factors modify the effect of weather on malaria in Kanungu District, Uganda?

Variable (units)


Dependent (outcome) variable

 Weekly malaria cases

Total case count per 7 day period

Independent (exposure) variable

 Mean weekly temperature ( ̊C) with a 12–13 weekly average temperature lag

Binary: lower (cooler) quartiles 1–3 (referent); top (hottest) quartile

Effect modification variables


Binary: Bakiga and other (referent); Batwa


Binary: male (referent); female


Categorical: < 5 years (referent); 6-12 years; 13-18 years; 19-55 years; > 55 years

Confounding (control) variables


Binary: dry (referent); wet

Modelled with an interaction term with the independent variable


Categorical: 2011 (referent), 2012, 2013, 2014