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Fig. 37 | Malaria Journal

Fig. 37

From: Keys to the avian Haemoproteus parasites (Haemosporida, Haemoproteidae)

Fig. 37

Examples of co-infections of two different species of Haemoproteus in same blood films. Co-infection of Haemoproteus fringillae (a, on the left) and Haemoproteus magnus (a, on the right) from the blood of common chaffinch Fringilla coelebs. Co-infection of Haemoproteus pallidus (b, on the left) and Haemoproteus balmorali (b, on the right) from the blood of European pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. Macrogametocytes of these species were shown. Note that H. fringillae and H. magnus can be readily distinguished due to different form and size of pigment granules (a). The cytoplasm of H. balmorali macrogametocyte is densely stained and contains numerous volutin granules, which are not a case in H. pallidus (b). Long simple arrows—host cell nuclei. Short simple arrows—parasite nuclei. Simple arrowheads—pigment granules. Other explanations are given in the text

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