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Table 1 Topics and learning objectives pursued during the participatory workshops and practical field sessions during the study

From: Participatory approaches for raising awareness among subsistence farmers in Tanzania about the spread of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors and the possible link to improper agricultural pesticide use



Learning objective

Basic knowledge and skills on malaria mosquitoes, breeding sites, and control approaches


Known associations between agricultural practices and mosquitoes

• Participants should be able to identify potential aquatic habitats for mosquitoes in or near their farms

• Participants should understand the effects of agricultural practices on mosquitoes


Sampling and identification of mosquito larvae and pupae

• Participants should be able to sample larvae and pupae from habitats

• Participants should be able to identify and distinguish Anopheles from other larvae

• Participants should be able to distinguish between male and female mosquitoes

• Participants should be able to identify adult Anopheles and non-Anopheles mosquitoes


Larval source management through improved agricultural practices

Farmers should be able to identify and destruct (clearing of ditches, soil filling, and draining) of suitable aquatic mosquito breeding sites linked to agricultural practices

Agricultural pesticides, public health pesticides, and malaria mosquitoes


Exploring the linkage between public health insecticides and agricultural insecticides

• Encourage farmers to share their farming experiences, including demonstrating the use of agricultural pesticides

• Experts to share the experiences with the farmers on the performance of various agricultural pesticides

• Researchers to demonstrate to the farmers and experts on insecticides used in public health against malaria and its link to agricultural insecticides

• Farmers to be able to read labels, understand agricultural pesticides and its chemical ingredients before spraying

Demonstrating the effects of agricultural pesticides on malaria vectors

Farmers should be able to understand the possible link of agricultural pesticides sprayed in the farms and their consequences, such as insecticide resistance in mosquito vectors

Management of crop pests and diseases


Collection and identification of common crop pests at the field

• Farmers should be able to identify individual common crop pests and diseases

• Farmers should understand appropriate insecticides to spray against particular pests and diseases

Other options for crop pests management


Alternative crop pests and diseases management practices other than using agricultural pesticides

• Farmers should be able to suggest alternative pest-, disease-, and weed-control in crops other than using pesticides

• Agricultural pesticides as the last option in controlling pests and diseases in crops

Good agricultural practices for pesticide management


Proper storage and disposals of agricultural pesticides

Experts and farmers should demonstrate good and safe agricultural practices for handling, keeping, or disposing of leftover pesticides, and empting containers