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Table 2 The standard G6PD test assessment among the participants at T0 and T30 (n = 33)

From: Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) quantitation using biosensors at the point of first contact: a mixed method study in Cambodia




Number (%)

Number (%)

The STANDARD G6PD test identifies G6PD deficiency

32 (97)

33 (100)

Standard G6PD measures enzyme reaction

24 (73)

32 (97)

Optimal temperature for biosensor operation 15–40 °C

30 (91)

26 (79)

Type of samples for G6PD test: capillary and venous blood

22 (67)

23 (70)

Must matching of chip and strip pouch

26 (79)

25 (76)

Insert the test strip after the code chip is entered into the analyzer

21 (64)

19 (58)

Mix blood and buffer in EziTube 8–10 times

26 (79)

30 (91)

Use 10 µl or the black line on the EziTube

29 (88)

28 (85)

Apply the mixture immediately to the test strip

11 (33)


Number of Ezi tubes to run the samples = 2

26 (79)

26 (79)

Test strip cannot be reused

30 (91)

33 (100)

Correct precautions to avoid the injury

14 (42)

17 (52)

G6PD 1.2 is deficient

27 (82)

27 (82)

G6Pd 13.1 is read correct

33 (100)

33 (100)

Hb 15.7 is read correct

31 (94)

32 (97)

G6PD 13.1 is normal

29 (88)

31 (94)

G6PD 0.7 is read correct

33 (100)

33 (100)

Hb 11.1 is read correct

32 (97)

33 (100)

G6PD 0.7 is deficient

33 (100)

32 (97)

G6PD 4.5 is read correct

33 (100)

33 (100)

Hb 13.4 is read correct

32 (97)

32 (97)

G6PD 4.5 is intermediate

29 (88)

25 (76)

G6PD n-A is read correct

32 (97)

33 (100)

Hb Lo is read correct

32 (97)

33 (100)

Test did not work (error or NA)

33 (100)

33 (100)

G6PD 2.0 is read correct

33 (100)

33 (100)

Hb 13.2 is read correct

33 (100)

33 (100)

G6PD 2.0 is deficient

33 (100)

33 (100)

G6PD E-2 is read correct

32 (97)

31 (94)

Hb (none)

33 (100)

33 (100)

Test did not work (error or NA)

30 (91)

33 (100)

G6PD 9.2 is read correct

32 (97)

33 (100)

Hb 5.8 is read correct

31 (94)

33 (100)

G6PD 9.2 is normal

27 (82)

19 (58)