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Table 1 Summary of studies evaluating the impact of insecticide resistance on malaria vectors susceptibility to P. falciparum infection

From: Impact of insecticide resistance on malaria vector competence: a literature review

Mosquito species

Type of experiment performed

Type of infection

Infection outcome




An. gambiaea

kdr-resistant strain compared to susceptible strain


Higher sporozoite infection prevalence in resistant strains



An. funestus

GSTe2-resistant genotypes compared to susceptible genotypes


No difference in oocysts infection prevalence ns

Higher sporozoite infection prevalence in resistant strains



An. gambiae s.l.a

ace-1-resistant strain compared to susceptible strain


Higher oocyst infection prevalence in resistant strains



An. gambiae s.l.a

kdr-resistant strain compared to susceptible strain


No difference in oocysts infection prevalence ns



An. gambiaea

kdr-resistant strain compared to susceptible strain


Higher oocyst infection prevalence in resistant strains

Higher sporozoite infection prevalence in resistant strains

Higher oocyst load in the resistant strains

Higher sporozoite infection load in the resistant strains


An. coluzziia

kdr-resistant strain compared to susceptible strain


Higher oocyst prevalence in the resistant strains

Higher sporozoite infection prevalence in resistant strains

Higher oocysts load in the resistant strains

Higher sporozoite load prevalence in the resistant strains


An. funestus

GSTe2-resistant genotypes compared to susceptible genotypes


Lower oocyst infection prevalence in homozygous resistant genotypess

Higher oocysts load in homozygous and heterozygous resistant genotypess


An. gambiaeb

ace-1-resistant strain compared to susceptible strain


Higher oocyst prevalence infection in resistant strains

No difference in sporozoite infection prevalencens

No difference in oocyst and sporozoite infection loadns


An. gambiaeb

kdr-resistant strain compared to susceptible strain


Higher oocyst infection prevalence in resistant strains

Higher sporozoite infection prevalence in resistant strains

Lower oocyst and sporozoite infection load in resistant strains


An. gambiaeb

ace-1-resistant strain compared to susceptible strain


Higher oocyst infection prevalence in resistant strains



An. gambiaeb

kdr-resistant strain compared to susceptible strain


Higher oocyst infection prevalence in resistant strains



An. gambiaeb

kdr-resistant strain compared to kdr-resistant strain exposed to insecticides


Lower oocyst infection prevalence in resistant strains

No difference in oocyst infection loadns


An. gambiaeb

ace-1-resistant strain compared to ace-1-resistant strain exposed to insecticides


Lower oocyst infection prevalence in resistant strains

Lower oocyst infection load in resistant strains


An. gambiaea

kdr-resistant strain compared to kdr-resistant strain exposed to insecticide-treated nets


Lower oocyst infection prevalence in resistant strains

Lower oocyst infection load in resistant strains


  1. a: field strain; b: laboratory strain; ns: Non Significant; s: Significant; α: insecticide exposure to confirm resistance status probably post infection; β: insecticide exposure to confirm resistance status prior to infection