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Table 1 Search Strategy

From: Integrated malaria prevention in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review


Search items

Study population

All individuals


(Integrated malaria approach) OR (integrated malaria control) OR (integrated malaria prevention) OR (multiple malaria prevention) OR (combination malaria prevention) OR (ITNs) OR (insecticide treated nets) OR (long lasting insecticidal nets) OR (long-lasting insecticidal nets) OR (LLINs) OR (mosquito nets) OR (indoor residual spraying) OR (IRS) OR (window screening) OR (draining stagnant water) OR (closing windows and doors) OR (mosquito larviciding) OR (mosquito repellent) OR (mosquito coils) OR (mosquito insecticide spray)


(Malaria prevalence) OR (malaria incidence) OR (malaria case) OR (mosquito prevalence) OR (mosquito presence)


Year of publication: (January 2001 to June 2021) Language: English

Population: Humans