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Table 5 Continuous variables derived from VHR imagery, with suggested open alternatives, and knowledge relating to their influence on adult vector habitat suitability (from literature and experts)

From: Fine-scale mapping of urban malaria exposure under data scarcity: an approach centred on vector ecology

Continuous variables from VHR imagery

Alternative existing open product(s)

Larval habitat suitability—Sub-Saharan African cities 

Larval habitat suitability—Dakar

Distance to breeding sites (derived from larval habitat suitability)


In Africa, the dispersal range of Anopheles vectors of malaria from their breeding sites is generally less than 1 km and rarely exceeds 2–3 km. In peri-urban/urban areas, this range is shorter and will likely not exceed a few hundred meters when human hosts are available nearby for blood meals [8, 33, 64]

There is a high correlation between the spatial distribution of adults and larvae [34]. Adult vector abundance decreases sharply with increasing distance from breeding site [10, 36]

Distance to human dwellings (proxy: distance to buildings)

Calculate distance to Open Buildings

An. arabiensis primarily feeds and rests indoors, but due to widespread use of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) and Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS), the behaviour of this vector becomes more flexible, and it also tends to feed and rest outdoors [96]

The proximity of breeding sites to human dwellings greatly limits the spatial dispersion of vectors [28]