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Table 1 General characteristics on admission

From: Treatment outcome of intravenous artesunate in patients with severe malaria in the Netherlands and Belgium



Median age (range), y


Adult (n = 65)

46.9 (18.4 - 83.6)

Child (n = 3)

4.8 (2.8 - 5.2)

Men, n (%)

47 (69)

Continent of birth, n (%)



34 (50)


27 (40)


7 (10)

Immunity status*, n (%)



39 (57)

Partially immune

29 (43)

Semi immune

0 (0)

Chemoprophylaxis, n (%)



1 (2)


58 (85)


49 (72)


9 (13)


9 (13)

Indication for artesunate, n (%)


Severe malaria§ (> 1 of the following criteria)

51 (75)

Impaired consciousness

18 (26)

Multiple convulsions (> 2 episodes/24 h)

0 (0)

Respiratory distress or pulmonary edema

4 (6)

Shock (systolic blood pressure < 70 mm Hg)

6 (9)


2 (3)

Abnormal bleeding

1 (2)

Hypoglycaemia (glucose < 2.2. mmol/L)

1 (2)

Acidaemia (pH < 7.25)

3 (4)

Acidosis (plasma bicarbonate < 15 mmol/L)

4 (6)

Anaemia (Hb < 3.1 mmol/l or haematocrit < 15%)

0 (0)

Hyperparasitaemia (> 5%)

33 (49)

Hyperlactataemia (lactate > 5 mmol/L)

8 (12)

Renal impairment (creatinine > 265 μmol/L)

7 (11)

Jaundice (bilirubin > 50 μmol/L)

24 (35)

Non severe malaria on admission

17 (25)

Clinical deterioration to severe malaria

4 (6)

Parasitaemia between 2-5%

4 (6)

Unable to take oral medication†

5 (7)


4 (6)

  1. * estimated as described earlier by Van Genderen et al. 2010 [11] Non-immune: European travellers and tourists; partially immune: adult immigrants from a malaria endemic country living in the Benelux; semi-immune: patients who had been living in a malaria-endemic area for at least 2 years preceding the time of diagnosis
  2. § One patient was diagnosed with a mixed infection of P.falciparum and P. malariae
  3. †One patient was diagnosed with P.ovale, one with P. vivax
  4. ‡ One patient was diagnosed with P. vivax