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Figure 4 | Malaria Journal

Figure 4

From: Importance of factors determining the effective lifetime of a mass, long-lasting, insecticidal net distribution: a sensitivity analysis

Figure 4

Effective lifetime of a mass LLIN distribution, depending on model variant, and pre-intervention EIR. Effective lifetime was defined as the length of the period since mass distribution during which impact on malaria episodes was above half the numerical value of the year with maximum impact (i.e. the year with the minimum number of episodes), as compared to a scenario without any intervention. Impact was measured in (a & b) all-age uncomplicated and complicated malaria episodes prevented, or (c & d) in all-age infections prevented. The entomological inoculation rate (EIR) was defined in infectious bites per adult per annum (ibpapa). Model variants [10]: R0000 = solid black lines and black crosses; R0063 = solid red lines and red crosses; R0065 = solid green lines and green crosses; R0068 = solid blue lines and blue crosses; R0111 = solid light blue lines and light blue crosses; R0115 = solid magenta lines and magenta crosses; R0121 = solid yellow lines and yellow crosses; R0125 = solid grey lines and grey crosses; R0131 = dashed black lines and black crosses; R0132 = dashed red lines and red crosses; R0133 = dashed green lines and green crosses; R0670 = dashed blue lines and blue crosses; R0674 = dashed light blue lines and light blue crosses; R0678 = dashed magenta lines and magenta crosses.

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