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Figure 1 | Malaria Journal

Figure 1

From: B-cell activity in children with malaria

Figure 1

% CD20, absolute cell count, CD21 expression level and C3dg deposition in children with severe (SMA) and uncomplicated malaria (UM). Panel A: Children with SMA had a higher % of CD20+ B cells compared to UM group (P = 0.03). Panel B: Computed absolute B-cell values were higher in children with SMA compared to those with UM (P = 0.003). Panel C: The median fluorescent intensity of CD21 was lower in children with SMA compared to the UM controls (P < 0.0001). Panel D: B cells of SMA children had a higher percentage of C3dg deposited on their surfaces compared to those in the UM group (P = 0.0002).

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